Too many distractions last week. Didn’t achieve what I set out to do. Will need to make up for it this week.
I’m trying to simplify the things I need to do. Used Canva to create the cover for the ebook. For the landing page, I’ve decided to do it myself. It’s a static page and I can host it on a platform like Vercel. Wanted to use the no-code tools but I don’t think it’s worth the cost at the moment. I do take pleasure in programming it and trying new tech. As long as I’m productive, this seems like a good way forward.
The goal for this monday post is to look back on the previous week and see if I made progress. For now, I’m going to post a list of to dos and see if it works.
Done last week
- Content for description of the pain
- Outline of the product
- v0.1 of the landing page
- create cover for the ebook
To do this week
- Email sign up ready
- Create a chunk of the product
- Share the page
- Write a welcome email
- Create on content piece (blog post)
What I’m reading? [The Power of Habit]https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12609433-the-power-of-habit